PAutographs, Etc! - Collecting Celeb Signatures

Autographs, Etc!
Collecting Celebrities 1 Signature at a Time

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  Autograph Collecting Nana Visitor  
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Autographs, Etc!
My personal autograph collection.

Nana Visitor

Nana is my favorite actor from Star Trek Deep Space Nine [a life-sized stand up of Kira stands beside my computer]. All my autographs were from personal appearances at conventions. All my TTM requests were never returned and I only received PP with fan club information [last time I saw her at a con I wanted to ask for my trading cards and stamp back :) ...but I behaved myself].

The photo signed by both Nana and Rene was from a special convention event called dinner with the stars. They performed 'Love Letters' on stage [excellent performance] and all in attandance received this signed photo.

The bottom signed card was a gift from a friend. [several trading cards were signed by Nana as well, but they have since disappeared or were stolen.]


Favorite Autographs :
- Farscape
- Star Trek
- Doctor Who
- Lost In Space

Autographs On:
- photographs
- comics
- books/magazines
- trading cards
- toys/action figures

Sometimes getting a signature from someone you really admire is one of lifes biggest thrills.

Autographs, Etc!

Autographs, Etc! © 2005
All Rights Reserved

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